Parisian Crafts and Creation, meeting with Atelier Penso
From Parisian craftsmanship to custom creation, we wanted to introduce you to our latest discovery and inspiration: L’atelier Penso . He shares with us his vision of time and work.
Craft Trip
When you meet an artisan, it’s always a journey before you even exchange a glance. At the corner of a neighborhood café in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, you slip behind a door opening onto this typically Parisian paved courtyard. You've arrived in front of this green workshop door which already gives off the noble smell of leather and the oil of machines from the last century. “Hey man” - Adrien Penso, comes towards you from the back of his workshop, holding out his wrist with his dirty hand to greet you. Black T-shirt with rolled up sleeves, black canvas pants, sneakers, silver rings and symbolic tattoos, benevolent smile and Parisian titi look, he's not the former high-level fencer or even the ESCP graduate who welcomes you but the craftsman Adrien behind Atelier Penso. Leather goods designer, Adrien (Penso) chooses, cuts, fillets, stretches, places, wedges, presses, sews, assembles the high-end leather that will create his bags for men and women. From the intuition that emerges as an idea to the placing of initials on a bag, Adrien takes care of the smallest details - "with leather like that, it must be quality" says the latter before grabbing a huge skin from under the table cutting. Timeless and refined, the design of its creations is always accompanied by different customizations. Like its wearer, the bag will live, wrinkle and tan to reveal the marks of time; because as Adrien says “time is as long as we are alive”.
Fluctuat Nec Mergitur
“Beaten by the waves, but doesn't sink”
Working with craftsmen does not mean thinking about the purpose of the product but rather about all these tiny little gestures that create an exceptional piece. Because ultimately what is craft – before being a discipline, it is above all a philosophy where imagination becomes reality. Take a piece of leather or a block of steel and it becomes your breadcrumb trail from idea to realization. You can have the most elaborate manufacturing process, each object will be different, unique and atypical because it is the result of a mood, an expertise, a burst of madness, an inattention and a technique . Each craftsman expresses his wish for a job well done and for Beaubleu as for L'Atelier Penso, it is first and foremost a story of well-loved work. Create exceptional pieces conveying character and roughness - because that's what it is, all the details and the marks of time will permeate the product, it will wear, patina, scratch but will outlive us. It is therefore not surprising to share this common vision between Beaubleu, L'Atelier Penso and Paris.