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Montre Beaubleu au poignet avec gant en cuir

Offer a watch for your 30th birthday, and other occasions

Useful object for some, fashion accessory, jewelry for others and passion (even obsession) for the latter, the watch is the ideal gift to give or to be given for your 30th birthday and other occasions.

Indeed, our lives are punctuated by change, and we are not the same at 30, 40 or 50 years old. Whether we are men or women, our aspirations and desires evolve over time.

Thus, to mark the occasion during these different visits, the tradition of offering a watch was established. Listing all these possibilities would risk making the rest quite time-consuming, so we will only focus on the 18-year-old watch, the 30-year-old watch, and of course, the engagement watch.

The transition to adulthood

The 18th birthday watch, or the first watch, comes from a long-standing tradition. Synonymous with the transition to adulthood, it is often a watch passed down from father to son, or from mother to daughter. A watch whose history is just as fascinating as the watch itself. However, if tradition wanted the watch to be passed down from generation to generation, today it is relevant to offer a new watch, a watch long awaited by the future wearer.

The 30-year watch tradition

If the twenties are the decade of exploration, the 30th birthday is rather considered as the entry into adult life. We know each other better, our tastes have become more refined and affirmed. Your thirties are a period during which it is more possible to have fun, to show the accomplished man and woman that you are!

The watch to conceal a union

The watch is an object to which we relate several times during the day, as many opportunities to think of the person who gave us the watch as to remember the beautiful moments spent together.

During an engagement, the woman receives a ring with a diamond whose hardness originally represented the strength of the couple. Giving the man a watch is another symbol, it is a pledge of the couple's eternity. In other words, the object represents the passing of time. This is one of the singular beauties of the watch object, we become attached to a piece beyond the design but to the story it tells about us.

It will (almost) no longer be a Beaubleu but “the watch of your…” it’s up to you to tell the rest.