Why do you have to wind an automatic watch?
To ensure the proper functioning of the automatic watch, knowing the characteristics of its maintenance, but also its workings, is fundamental. Usually, automatic watches wind spontaneously thanks to wrist movements. But in some cases, the watch may need manual winding.
How to wind an automatic watch?
Find out in detail how the automatic watch works. Although they are called "automatic", it is possible to wind them like mechanical watches.
Winding an automatic watch manually
In order to maintain the proper functioning of the automatic watch, you will need to wind it if it is not worn on your wrist for more than 24 hours. If this situation occurs, you will need to follow a few steps:
- The watch is never wound with it on the wrist. You must hold it in one hand to ensure its winding using the other hand.
- Once the crown is pushed in, simply turn it clockwise.
- The crown locks automatically as soon as winding is completed.
But not all automatic watches have the same calibration. The manufacturer will advise you best, because each automatic watch operation is unique and some need to be wound more often than others.
Winding an automatic watch with a winder
The second solution, which is the easiest, is to wind the watch using a winder. Its winding is therefore automatic since the winder will turn the watch on itself in order to activate the internal rotor contained therein.
When to wind a watch?
Some watches (especially old watches) have what is called the death zone. This is simply a period of time (often between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m.) during which they cannot be wound, in which case their mechanism may be affected.